Online Course - Leading Aboriginal Education, Curriculum and Community Engagement

In this PD, you will:

  • Build your knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal peoples’ histories, cultures and communities and implications for teaching/learning.

  • Develop confidence and an understanding of cultural protocols for collaborating with Aboriginal communities.

  • Recognise Aboriginal student learner needs and the implications for teaching and learning.

  • Discover fresh ways to align the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cross Curriculum Priority with teaching and learning.

  • Understand and apply the Learning from Country Framework to include Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing in your curriculum, pedagogical practice and classroom.

  • Explore diverse resources for implementing the Aboriginal Curriculum.

  • Develop a plan of action to implement strategies in your context.

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Be That Teacher Who Makes a Difference!

We hope to take you on a journey through shared ideas to inspire and/or provide you with new knowledge. We do this because we are dedicated and passionate educators who want to make a difference.